• Final Hack
  • Enhanced For Loop (For-each)

    An enhanced For Loop is a simplified version of a regular for loop, where the coder doesn’t need to specify the increment and can access each element directly.


    • Can access the elements of a array instad of a counter
    • Enhanced readability
    • Less likely to be buggy


    • Can only traverse the array in order
    • Accesses a copy of the array, so modifications to the variables are not saved in the original array

    Regular For Loop

    Regular For Loop

    Enhanced For Loop

    Enhanced For Loop

    int[] numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
    for (int number : numbers) {
        number += 1;

    Comparing a regular for loop with the enhanced for loop

    Popcorn Hack: Rewrite this code to use an enhanced for loop instead. make comments explaining what you added/changed

    String[] languages = {"Java", "Python", "Markdown", "C++", "Go", "JavaScript", "HTML"};
    for (int i = 0; i<languages.length; i++) {
    for (String lang : languages) { // here, I changed the iteration method in the parenthesis


    1. Build the loop
    2. Multiple Choice
    3. Find each index of the letter ‘a’ in each word
    4. Find the error
    5. HW Hack
    String[] yum = {"bozo", "monke", "skibidi", "ohio"};
    for (String asdfghjkl : yum) {
    private String[] myArray = {
        "And", "Table", "Shirts", "Tea", "School Day"
    for (String currentWord : myArray) {
    // A: System.out.println(myArray.currentWord.length());
    // B: System.out.println(myArray[index].length());
    // C: System.out.println(myArray[currentWord].length());
    // D: System.out.println(currentWord.length()); ✅
    String[] fruits = {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"};
    for (String fruit: fruits) {
        int index = fruit.indexOf('a');
        System.out.println("The index of 'a' in " + fruit + " is: " + index);
    String[] myArray = {"Object 1", "Object 2", "Object 3", "Object 4", "Object 5"};
    for (String currentWord: myArray) { // Second error: The type of currentWord wasn't declared
        System.out.println(currentWord); // First error: There was originally no ".println"
        // Third error: There wasn't a semicolon after the previous line
    // There are 3 errors, can you find them?

    Final Hack

    Add to the code below to create a average grade calculator (using an enhanced for loop)

    Integer[] grades = {88, 93, 55, 68, 77};
    Scanner userGrades = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.print("Enter a grade: ");
    int grade = Integer.parseInt(userGrades.nextLine());
    double sum = 0;
    for (int g : grades) {
        sum += g;
    double average = sum / grades.length;
    System.out.println("Average grade before student grade was added " + average);
    grades = Arrays.copyOf(grades, grades.length + 1);
    grades[grades.length - 1] = grade;
    double sum2 = 0;
    for (int g : grades) {
        sum2 += g;
    double average2 = sum2 / grades.length;
    System.out.println("Average grade after student grade was added " + average2);