3.4 Else If Statements

Else If Statements: Used when you have multiple conditions that need to be checked sequentially.

Flow of Execution: Each condition is evaluated in the order written. The first true condition’s code runs, and the rest are skipped.


  • Start with a single if statement.
  • Follow with as many else if statements as needed.
  • Optionally end with one else to handle any remaining cases. Key Concept: The order of conditions matters. More specific conditions should come before broader ones to ensure accurate results.


  1. If I was 19 what would it print out?
  2. If I was 13 what would it print out?
  3. Create your if statement with one else if condition.

  4. It would print “You can register to vote.” and “You are old enough for a license to drive.”
  5. It would not print out anything since none of the conditions would be met
  6. Here is my if statement:
    int name = "Aadit";
    if (name.equals("Shuban")) {
     System.out.println("Exile this man to Ohio!");
    } else if (name.equals("Aadit")) {
     System.out.println("Ah, we've met a worthy person.");