AP Computer Science A - Unit 6 Home Page

Main Idea

** ArrayLists: ArrayLists are used to store data and algorithms can be used to access, traverse, and sort through this data.**

Why ArrayLists?

Because ArrayLists dont have a fixed size like Arrays and we can add and remove items from them, they are more verstaile and have more functions

AP Exam Details

  • 2.5-7.5% of the test
  • 1 to 2 mc questions
  • Might be on an FRQ(making ArrayLists and ArrayList algorithms)

Key Topics:

Topic 6.1 - Array Creation and Access (Tarun) Topic 6.2 - Traversing Array (1D) (Srijan) Topic 6.3 Enhanced for loop for Arrays (Jonathan) Topic 6.4: Developing Algorithms Using Arrays (Ian)