1. Basic Java Syntax + Structure
- The AP test focuses on logic > syntax (Should note that the reader needs to find these obvious mistakes)
- Variables don’t have to be completely case sensitive (you can have spelling mistakes)
- Can use common math operators
- missing semi-colons, parentheses, etc.
- missing indentation
- Structure
- Calling methods
- Writing methods
- Handling return values
- Method Parameters
2. Arrays
- Use: storing + acessing values
- Syntax: int[] arr = new int[10]; for an integer array with 10 elements.
- Accessing Elements: arr[0] accesses the first element.
- Looping through Arrays: Use a for loop to iterate over arrays, e.g., for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {}.
3. ArrayLists
- Use: Dynamic Arrays (can grow and shrink dynamically)
- Syntax: ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); where Type could be any object type (e.g., Integer, String).
- Adding Elements: list.add(element);
- Size: list.size();
- Removing Elements: list.remove(index);
4. String Handling:
- Comparing Strings:: Use .equals() for content comparison (not == which checks reference equality)
- Concatenation: Use + for simple concatenation or StringBuilder for more efficient concatenation in loops.
5. Control Flow Structures:
- Conditionals: if, else if, else
6. Libraries + Reference
- Assume all classes are preimported and all methods are available. The question should be able to be solved with these methods. (Remember these are not complex!)